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What Might Go Wrong If You Neglect Your Commercial HVAC System

covered-commercial-hvac-fansThis is the time of year when commercial companies schedule a routine visit from a commercial HVAC contractor to take care of the pre-summer check-up and tune-up for their equipment. The stresses of the upcoming season make it necessary for HVAC machinery to be in top shape.

We offer some of the best commercial HVAC maintenance in Toronto, ON, and the Greater Toronto Area. Our clients have their own customized maintenance program designed to match their facility and the heating, cooling, and ventilation systems necessary for daily operation. When you have a maintenance program set up with us, you won’t have to worry about neglecting the HVAC system, because we’ll be there with reminders and have a full annual schedule arranged for you.

This is hugely beneficial, since the consequences of neglecting commercial HVAC systems by skipping maintenance can be severe:

More money invested in repairs and replacements

Maintenance is excellent for the long-term bottom line of a company. It prevents numerous malfunctions that require repairs and stops equipment for needing early replacements. For example, a split system can last around 15 years, sometimes more. Without regular maintenance, that can fall to 8 years—about 7 or 8 more years of service lost! The money you allocate for maintenance is far less than what you’ll pay in equipment going bad.

Money wasted on unnecessary energy increases

Thinking that if something doesn’t seem obviously is broken it therefore is running as well as normal is a fallacy. Your cooling equipment may deliver the temperatures you need for comfort and process, but if the AC is suffering from extra wear that maintenance could alleviate, it will drain more power. This can add up to hefty increases in regular bills, especially for large facilities.

Indoor air quality decline

Ventilation is essential in commercial buildings, no matter what type of business they house. It affects health and productivity for employees, and it can harm materials and equipment. High humidity is a major problem during our summers, and humidity means discomfort for people and water damage and mold growth for equipment. When the HVAC system is neglected, ventilation declines along with everything else.

Unsafe operation

You probably have gas and/or propane-burning equipment at your facility that needs to run during the summer. Any combustion equipment must have regular inspections to ensure there are no gas leaks or issues that can lead to gas leaks and external combustion dangers, and ventilation trouble that can lead to carbon monoxide back-ups. This is not only a question of safety, but also of code compliance.

Routine maintenance for commercial HVAC equipment is about more than swapping out air filters. You need to have the best commercial and industrial pros on the job—and you’ll find them at Advantage Airtech. We have more than 30 years working with the specific HVAC challenges of the businesses in the Greater Toronto Area. Call us today to speak to an account manager and set up your HVAC pre-season maintenance.

Advantage Airtech Commercial Ltd. is the Double “A” name with the Triple “A” service. Call us today to schedule your commercial HVAC maintenance before summer arrives.

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Preventative Maintenance Program Built with you in mind

Our maintenance programs are fully customized to address your building's HVAC requirements. We understand the "one size fits all" approach is not practical and won't provide the benefits a properly designed maintenance program should. Our account managers will work closely with you to develop the right program to put in place for your building's HVAC equipment.

  • Preventative Maintenance Program
  • Comprehensive Maintenance Program

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